Week 8! WOW! TODAY is my 2 month mission birthday! :D This work, this week has been FANTASTIC! YEEEAAAH!
We had ------>17<-------- lessons this week, that's a lot! Next week we have goals that will take us over 20 if we get everything done. I have faith that we can do it, but we're SERIOUSLY going to need God's help. This past week I've been SUPER happy, cause I realized that this is the greatest work anyone could do in their life EVER. and I get to do it when I'm 18. Dang, God must have SOME trust... I continually realize how i need to improve (esp Spanish...) but I know that I can do all things with God at my side.
Speaking of improving, I've really been working on some stuff... Heavenly Father is really blessing my Spanish efforts, I'm learning things fast. Sento el poder de Dios en todos me obras cuando puedo por ayuda. Este es solomente mediante el Espiritu. Nessitamos el Espiritu mas in nuestro vidas para recibir los bendiciones nessitamos. Dad, google translate. ;)
I've been working on Spanish, but REALLY working on submitting my will to God's, and loving the people. Probably my greatest challenge here is focusing on my purpose and NOT thinking about GIRLS. Why do they have to be so awesome? I thought when you went on your mission there suddenly appears a shield between you and those temptingly fantastic beings we call girls. In seminary, whenever we talk about temptations, girls are ALWAYS mentioned, to be funny, but really though. MY WORK HERE IS THE ETERNAL SALVATION, I don't want to be thinking about marriage right now. That is not my purpose. In the MTC I gave up writing friends, and all of my last letters are out of my life now. I hoped that would fix all my problems, but then I start stressing out about what they thought about the letter and other such nonsense. I've been praying, asking for Heavenly Father to take away my weakness, and make me only think about how I can help those I serve. I want to be the best missionary I can be... everybody who happens to encounter this blog, please pray for my focus, specifically. I've always had a lot of trouble, but if you and God help be, We can accomplish anything, even the aligning of my will and FOCUS with God's.
I've had some trouble loving some of the people. The people who ask stupid, random questions (ie, how tall do you think the tower of Babel is?), but I'm trying. I need to further realize God's love for each of these people.
Oh yeah, so we were on the way to a part member family's apartment. We had just turned a corner in the courtyard when we see this little fat Mexican kid, walking his bike. (looked EXACTLY like Chancho (fun fact: the english translation of that word is literally "fat kid")) We and this Chancho are walking on colliding courses. He sees us, starts freaking out, says "leave me alone!" struggles to turn himself and his bike around, struggles still more to get on his bike, swerves around, panicked, and leaves. I must confess, I TOTALLY thought he was joking... so I called out to him as he struggled to get on his bike: "los misioneros, NO!" (the missionaries, NO!) ...... We felt SUPER confused, until later, then we couldn't stop laughing. haha Good times. ;) Oh... Chancho. ;) "Wait! We just need to borrow some SWEATS!" This work is kinda fun. You've just got to take everything with a joyful heart. :)
We've got interviews with the Mission Pres and his wife tomorrow. I... kinda can't wait :) I love them. :)
Please pray for me, and if you happened to make to many pastries, or have some deer jerky you don't want, feel free to send some. ;) Actually, vegetables too. :)
oh yeah, stake conference happened. All about member missionary work.
the 3 H's of member missionary work are:
House: GET OUT OF IT. Get involved, coach soccer teams, get to know non members
Happiness: nobody has ever wanted to be like somebody who wasn't happy, we know why we're here, and where we're going, we have the greatest reason in the world to be happy.
Hypocrisy: DON'T DO IT. Be the same, amazing person that you say your church makes people be. The gospel of Christ is ALL about being a better person. Be the best person you can be.
Have an amazing week. Remember who you are. :) don't drink and drive!